Stargate Codes

Welcome to the Stargate Codes / 7th Seal digital mystery school, spiritual journey towards higher consciousness and spiritual ascension. In this article, we will explore the concept of ascension, the activation of lightcodes, and the significance of the 1122 Gateway aka Golden Gate. Through deep research and analysis, we will uncover the hidden wisdom and teachings behind these profound topics. Join us as we delve into the mysteries of the universe and unlock the secrets to expanding our awareness.

Understanding Ascension

Ascension is the process of elevating one’s consciousness to higher levels of awareness and understanding. It involves the expansion of our spiritual, mental, and emotional capacities, leading to a deeper connection with our true selves and the divine. This journey towards ascension is not linear but rather a continuous spiral of growth and transformation.

Activating the Lightcodes

Lightcodes are energetic patterns that exist within our DNA and serve as a blueprint for our spiritual evolution. These codes hold the keys to unlocking our latent potential and accessing higher dimensions of consciousness. Through various activations, such as meditation, energy healing, and sacred rituals, we can awaken these dormant codes and accelerate our spiritual growth.

Significance of the 11/22 Gateway

The Golden Gate is a celestial alignment that symbolizes a powerful portal for spiritual awakening and ascension. This gateway is associated with the Orion constellation and its alignment with the cusp of Scorpio and Sagittarius, along with Ophiuchus (the man who is mastering his energy and divine consciousness) allowing for the influx of higher vibrational energies. It serves as a catalyst for profound shifts in consciousness and the activation of our highest self. The key to aligning our highest intentions is having the heart and mind in a cohesive harmony of balance. The mind is the 22 master builder and the heart as 11 master healer unified as full divine mastery, mastering the emotional body and the intellect as one coherent whole.

Keys To Gate Insights

This is the most auspicious time for the ancients. It was so much so that the Great Pyramids were set up in alignment with the belt star of Orion which is the cusp of November 22, between the signs of Scorpio and Sagittarius. It is considered the portal of ascending consciousness, the gateway to Paradise, which is referenced in the Book of Enoch. At this time, for the embodiment of your higher self, the ancient Egyptians have a calendar in Dendera that has a special symbol demarking the location of the Golden Gate. There are lines coming off the head of the Sphinx that are 14 degrees above and 14 degrees below. They are demarking the location of 11:22 and 5:22. On the 22nd of November at 11:22pm, a full Higher Self integration will occur. Edgar Cayce talked about an event that would happen in 1998 regarding the return of the high priest, and to me that was an activation that happened there. This date represents the embodiment of your Higher Self, your King/Queen, your High Priest/Priestess, fully coming online.

The Wisdom of Orion

Orion, a prominent constellation in the night sky, holds deep spiritual significance. It represents the path of the seeker, guiding us towards spiritual enlightenment and cosmic unity. The stars of Orion align with the pyramids of Egypt, hinting at the ancient wisdom encoded within these sacred structures. By attuning ourselves to the energies of Orion and beyond as a spear, through the horns of Taurus we hit the bulls eye just past the Pleiades where the Central Sun is emitting source energy. There we can tap into this ancient wisdom and connect with our higher selves.

Harnessing the Power of the Golden Gate

During the Golden Gate, the energies of all this, magnified by Orion/Osiris ( image in the sky) align with Earth, creating a powerful opportunity for spiritual growth and transformation. By consciously engaging with this gateway, we can access higher dimensions of consciousness, receive powerful downloads of information, and accelerate our ascension process. It is a time of deep introspection, energetic activation, and alignment with our divine purpose.

Techniques for Gateway Activation

To fully harness the power of the Golden Gateway, there are several techniques and practices that can be employed. These include:

  • Meditation: Engage in regular meditation to quiet the mind, open the heart, and connect with higher frequencies of energy.
  • Energy Healing: Seek out energy healing modalities such as Reiki, sound healing, or crystal therapy to clear energetic blockages and activate lightcodes.
  • Sacred Rituals: Create sacred rituals that honor the gateway and invite higher energies to guide and support your spiritual journey.
  • Affirmations and Intentions: Use positive affirmations and set clear intentions to align your energy with the frequencies of ascension and higher consciousness.
  • Connection with Nature: Spend time in nature, connecting with the elements and grounding yourself in the present moment.

And, of course, working with the 7th seal sigils and activation tools that are essentially divine intelligence that has the source codes and frequencies that open your chakras and activate your crown, known as the 7th Seal! Since we all cannot be inside the great pyramid on this gateway, the energy of that sacred chamber is set up around you when you sit on or with the 7th seal!

Embracing the Ascension Process

The ascension process is a deeply personal journey. It requires us to release old patterns, beliefs, and attachments that no longer serve our highest good. As we ascend, we become more attuned to our intuition, embody higher states of love and compassion, and align with our soul’s purpose. Embracing the ascension process is a commitment to our spiritual growth and the expansion of our consciousness.

The Gateway to Cosmic Consciousness

As we activate the lightcodes within us and embrace the energies of the 11/22 Gateway, we open the gateway to cosmic consciousness. This expanded state of awareness allows us to connect with the divine intelligence that permeates all of creation. We become co-creators of our reality, manifesting our desires in alignment with divine will. The gateway serves as a bridge between the physical and spiritual realms, guiding us towards oneness and unity.

Embarking on the Journey

The path of ascension requires dedication, self-reflection, a open heart/mind and a commitment to personal growth. By embracing the wisdom of ascension, activating our lightcodes, and harnessing the energies of the Golden Gate, we can unlock the gateway to higher consciousness and embark on a journey of profound spiritual awakening.


Through the activation of lightcodes and the alignment with celestial gateway of one one two two, we can accelerate our spiritual growth and connect with our true essence, our divine birth right. By embracing the wisdom of the ancient teachings, harnessing the power of the photon beam energies, and committing to our personal ascension process, we can unlock our highest Divine Self or Cosmic consciousness and expand our awareness to new heights. May you embark on this journey with an open heart and a willingness to embrace the infinite possibilities that await you.

Is it all starting to add up? No wonder Francis Bacon painstakingly encoded the English language to conceal this wisdom that it never may be lost. The Saint Germain Master Sequences that he decoded from understanding creation codes are the fabric of the universe, the building blocks of reality. These number sequences and one-one-two-two repeat in many key phrases of scripture and esoteric wisdom, as well as the English language surrounding the words that are pillars of the esoteric wisdom, like the tree of life and the major arcana. There are so many rabbit holes of this information which I’ve been decoding and putting in my various books and videos, so much so that I’m working on my fourth book. The middle path, son of man (Osiris/Orion) becoming more and more obvious as we connect the dots. The Gnostic Jesus could not be more plain, saying, I will also give you the mystery of the baptism for those of the middle, and the manner of invocation for reaching those regions (Eight Heaven – gateway of 11/22 at the 8th house), along with their ciphers and seals. I am very confident I have worked it all out, the original creator beings who set all this up, laying it all out, did describe it pretty concisely. Further elucidating, we can see we just need to bring it all together and embody fully, invite our higher self to merge completely and love our I AM Presence, our inner twin. For it says, “He created a great Aeon whose name was Ogdoad (the eighth) for his own majesty. For since the imperishabilities and the authority each created a great kingdom in the eighth, and also thrones, temples, and firm remnants for the majesties. Finally, whoever knows the Son of Man in knowledge and love, let him bring me a sign of the Son of Man that he might depart to the dwelling places with those in the eight.” Wow, the gateway to paradise, which is written about in the Book of Enoch! Keep remembering who you are, keep seeking and you shall find, keep knocking and the door shall be opened. Choose yourself, change your mind and change your reality, become a Divine Superhero and help anchor in the Divine Timeline. Now is the time!