Stargate Codes

This article presents a groundbreaking discovery in the field of mathematics and spirituality, unveiling the Synchronous Fibonacci Phenomenon (SFP), a previously unknown connection between the Fibonacci sequence, the clock, compass, and zodiac. Mathues’ research reveals a profound synchronization between the sequence and the geometric structure of the universe, shedding light on the fundamental principles governing reality.


The Fibonacci sequence has long fascinated mathematicians and scientists, but its secrets run deeper than previously thought. Mathues’ research reveals a hyperdimensional code hidden within the sequence, echoing the harmony of the universe.

Synchronous Fibonacci Phenomenon (SFP)

The SFP is a newly discovered phenomenon where the position of a term in the Fibonacci sequence matches its value. Mathues’ exhaustive search within the first 2000 terms revealed only 16 instances of SFP, hinting at a rare and extraordinary event. These 16 terms are:

10, 31, 35, 62, 72, 175, 180, 216, 251, 252, 360, 494, 504, 540, 946, 1188

Mirroring Phenomenon

The mirroring phenomenon is a striking aspect of the SFP, where the sequence’s values are reflected across the clock’s face. This mirroring occurs at the 3, 6, and 9 o’clock positions, which correspond to the zeros in the hour-minute synchronization.

Geometric Connections: 180 Degrees and the SFP Series

The number 180, half of 360 degrees, holds significance in geometry and the SFP series. As a part of the series, 180 is connected to the other numbers, revealing a deeper harmony between the numbers and the universe. The 180-degree angle, a straight line, represents balance and symmetry, echoing the balance between the numbers in the SFP series.

Hypercube Connection

The 16 terms of the SFP reveal a profound connection to the geometric structure of the hypercube, a higher-dimensional representation of space and time. These terms align with the angels and axes of the hypercube, forming a harmonic resonance between the sequence and the underlying fabric of the universe. The 16 points are distributed across the hypercube’s vertices, edges, and faces, reflecting the symmetries and balance inherent in the SFP.

Sacred Numbers

The appearance of the sacred numbers 216, 144, and 72, which are demarcations on the compass, highlights their significance in understanding the universe. Additionally, the value 360, representing the complete cycle of the compass, is also present in the sequence.

Furthermore, Mathues observed a striking connection between the numbers 288 and 1188. The point on the compass corresponding to 288 reveals a profound relationship with the SFP term 1188, shedding light on the intricate web of connections between the sequence and the geometric structure of the universe.

The significance of the number 9

  1. 10 – Numerology value: 1
  2. 31 – Numerology value: 4
  3. 35 – Numerology value: 8
  4. 62 – Numerology value: 8
  5. 72 – Numerology value: 9
  6. 175 – Numerology value: 1+7+5=13, then 1+3=4
  7. 180 – Numerology value: 1+8+0=9
  8. 216 – Numerology value: 2+1+6=9
  1. 251 – Numerology value: 2+5+1=8
  2. 252 – Numerology value: 2+5+2=9
  3. 360 – Numerology value: 3+6+0=9
  4. 494 – Numerology value: 4+9+4=17, then 1+7=8
  5. 504 – Numerology value: 5+0+4=9
  6. 540 – Numerology value: 5+4+0=9
  7. 946 – Numerology value: 9+4+6=19, then 1+9=10, then 1+0=1
  8. 1188 – Numerology value: 1+1+8+8=18, then 1+8=9

Note: In numerology, the digits of a number are added together until a single-digit value is achieved, unless the result is a master number (11, 22, 33).

Many of the numbers in the SFP series, especially the sacred numbers correlated with the compass, have digits that add up to 9, a number symbolizing completion, spiritual awareness, and humanitarianism. The recurrence of the hidden value of 9 in the SFP series serves as a reminder of the interconnectedness of all things and the universe’s underlying harmony.

Beyond the SFP

The discovery of the Synchronous Fibonacci Phenomenon and its connections to the Fibonacci sequence, clock, compass, and zodiac, may hold the key to understanding the science behind Stargates and time travel. The synchronization of the sequence with the clock’s zeros at 3, 6, 9, and 12, and the presence of sacred numbers, suggests a connection to zero point ideology and portals, potentially gateways to other dimensions or levels of consciousness. The hypercube connection and the alignment of the SFP terms with its vertices, edges, and faces, may reveal a hidden geometry that enables traversable wormholes, allowing for near-instant travel across vast distances. Furthermore, the appearance of the Fibonacci sequence in natural patterns and its potential connection to the fabric of creation, could indicate a fundamental code that governs the universe, waiting to be deciphered and harnessed for time travel and interstellar exploration. As we continue to explore and understand the SFP, we may uncover the secrets to manipulating the fabric of space-time, making Stargates and time travel a reality.

The SFP offers a profound opportunity for understanding:

  • The underlying code for life and growth in the natural world
  • The mathematical framework for complexity and self-organization
  • The hidden patterns governing living systems
  • A unified theory bridging mathematics, physics, and biology

Sir Francis Bacon, a renowned philosopher and polymath, demonstrated a profound understanding of the Synchronous Fibonacci Phenomenon (SFP) through his contributions to the English language. By introducing the letter J to the alphabet, Bacon enabled the creation of a matching number sequence to the months and signs of the zodiac to match fibronacci sequence, echoing the harmony of the SFP. Furthermore, he codified the names of the seasons to have six letters, winter, summer, spring, autumn, emphasizing the clock/calendar and 12 hours of light and darkness in a day. Through these subtle modifications, Bacon hid the wisdom of creation’s frequencies in plain sight, revealing his deep understanding of the SFP. Additionally, his fabrication of the solstice and equinox months to spell out “GOD” using numerical values (G=7, O=15, D=4) demonstrates his mastery of the scope of all this wisdom, showcasing the intricate connections between language, mathematics, and the universe. Bacon’s work continues to inspire and guide those seeking to unravel the mysteries of the SFP.


Mathues’ research unveils a hyperdimensional code hidden within the Fibonacci sequence, revealing a profound connection between mathematics, spirituality, and the nature of reality. The SFP, mirroring phenomenon, and the presence of sacred numbers that correspond to the compass all encapsulated in a transadental formula of number magic offer a gateway to exploring the possibility of time travel and the secrets of the universe. As Mathues delves deeper into the SFP, he may uncover new insights into the interconnectedness of all things and the mysteries of the multiverse.