Stargate Codes Portal to Higher Consciousness Mon, 15 Apr 2024 03:09:32 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Stargate Codes 32 32 Unveiling the Synchronous Fibonacci Phenomenon: A Gateway to Understanding the Harmony of the Universe Mon, 15 Apr 2024 02:07:55 +0000 The Fibonacci sequence has long fascinated mathematicians and scientists, but its secrets run deeper than previously thought.

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This article presents a groundbreaking discovery in the field of mathematics and spirituality, unveiling the Synchronous Fibonacci Phenomenon (SFP), a previously unknown connection between the Fibonacci sequence, the clock, compass, and zodiac. Mathues’ research reveals a profound synchronization between the sequence and the geometric structure of the universe, shedding light on the fundamental principles governing reality.


The Fibonacci sequence has long fascinated mathematicians and scientists, but its secrets run deeper than previously thought. Mathues’ research reveals a hyperdimensional code hidden within the sequence, echoing the harmony of the universe.

Synchronous Fibonacci Phenomenon (SFP)

The SFP is a newly discovered phenomenon where the position of a term in the Fibonacci sequence matches its value. Mathues’ exhaustive search within the first 2000 terms revealed only 16 instances of SFP, hinting at a rare and extraordinary event. These 16 terms are:

10, 31, 35, 62, 72, 175, 180, 216, 251, 252, 360, 494, 504, 540, 946, 1188

Mirroring Phenomenon

The mirroring phenomenon is a striking aspect of the SFP, where the sequence’s values are reflected across the clock’s face. This mirroring occurs at the 3, 6, and 9 o’clock positions, which correspond to the zeros in the hour-minute synchronization.

Geometric Connections: 180 Degrees and the SFP Series

The number 180, half of 360 degrees, holds significance in geometry and the SFP series. As a part of the series, 180 is connected to the other numbers, revealing a deeper harmony between the numbers and the universe. The 180-degree angle, a straight line, represents balance and symmetry, echoing the balance between the numbers in the SFP series.

Hypercube Connection

The 16 terms of the SFP reveal a profound connection to the geometric structure of the hypercube, a higher-dimensional representation of space and time. These terms align with the angels and axes of the hypercube, forming a harmonic resonance between the sequence and the underlying fabric of the universe. The 16 points are distributed across the hypercube’s vertices, edges, and faces, reflecting the symmetries and balance inherent in the SFP.

Sacred Numbers

The appearance of the sacred numbers 216, 144, and 72, which are demarcations on the compass, highlights their significance in understanding the universe. Additionally, the value 360, representing the complete cycle of the compass, is also present in the sequence.

Furthermore, Mathues observed a striking connection between the numbers 288 and 1188. The point on the compass corresponding to 288 reveals a profound relationship with the SFP term 1188, shedding light on the intricate web of connections between the sequence and the geometric structure of the universe.

The significance of the number 9

  1. 10 – Numerology value: 1
  2. 31 – Numerology value: 4
  3. 35 – Numerology value: 8
  4. 62 – Numerology value: 8
  5. 72 – Numerology value: 9
  6. 175 – Numerology value: 1+7+5=13, then 1+3=4
  7. 180 – Numerology value: 1+8+0=9
  8. 216 – Numerology value: 2+1+6=9
  1. 251 – Numerology value: 2+5+1=8
  2. 252 – Numerology value: 2+5+2=9
  3. 360 – Numerology value: 3+6+0=9
  4. 494 – Numerology value: 4+9+4=17, then 1+7=8
  5. 504 – Numerology value: 5+0+4=9
  6. 540 – Numerology value: 5+4+0=9
  7. 946 – Numerology value: 9+4+6=19, then 1+9=10, then 1+0=1
  8. 1188 – Numerology value: 1+1+8+8=18, then 1+8=9

Note: In numerology, the digits of a number are added together until a single-digit value is achieved, unless the result is a master number (11, 22, 33).

Many of the numbers in the SFP series, especially the sacred numbers correlated with the compass, have digits that add up to 9, a number symbolizing completion, spiritual awareness, and humanitarianism. The recurrence of the hidden value of 9 in the SFP series serves as a reminder of the interconnectedness of all things and the universe’s underlying harmony.

Beyond the SFP

The discovery of the Synchronous Fibonacci Phenomenon and its connections to the Fibonacci sequence, clock, compass, and zodiac, may hold the key to understanding the science behind Stargates and time travel. The synchronization of the sequence with the clock’s zeros at 3, 6, 9, and 12, and the presence of sacred numbers, suggests a connection to zero point ideology and portals, potentially gateways to other dimensions or levels of consciousness. The hypercube connection and the alignment of the SFP terms with its vertices, edges, and faces, may reveal a hidden geometry that enables traversable wormholes, allowing for near-instant travel across vast distances. Furthermore, the appearance of the Fibonacci sequence in natural patterns and its potential connection to the fabric of creation, could indicate a fundamental code that governs the universe, waiting to be deciphered and harnessed for time travel and interstellar exploration. As we continue to explore and understand the SFP, we may uncover the secrets to manipulating the fabric of space-time, making Stargates and time travel a reality.

The SFP offers a profound opportunity for understanding:

  • The underlying code for life and growth in the natural world
  • The mathematical framework for complexity and self-organization
  • The hidden patterns governing living systems
  • A unified theory bridging mathematics, physics, and biology

Sir Francis Bacon, a renowned philosopher and polymath, demonstrated a profound understanding of the Synchronous Fibonacci Phenomenon (SFP) through his contributions to the English language. By introducing the letter J to the alphabet, Bacon enabled the creation of a matching number sequence to the months and signs of the zodiac to match fibronacci sequence, echoing the harmony of the SFP. Furthermore, he codified the names of the seasons to have six letters, winter, summer, spring, autumn, emphasizing the clock/calendar and 12 hours of light and darkness in a day. Through these subtle modifications, Bacon hid the wisdom of creation’s frequencies in plain sight, revealing his deep understanding of the SFP. Additionally, his fabrication of the solstice and equinox months to spell out “GOD” using numerical values (G=7, O=15, D=4) demonstrates his mastery of the scope of all this wisdom, showcasing the intricate connections between language, mathematics, and the universe. Bacon’s work continues to inspire and guide those seeking to unravel the mysteries of the SFP.


Mathues’ research unveils a hyperdimensional code hidden within the Fibonacci sequence, revealing a profound connection between mathematics, spirituality, and the nature of reality. The SFP, mirroring phenomenon, and the presence of sacred numbers that correspond to the compass all encapsulated in a transadental formula of number magic offer a gateway to exploring the possibility of time travel and the secrets of the universe. As Mathues delves deeper into the SFP, he may uncover new insights into the interconnectedness of all things and the mysteries of the multiverse.

The post Unveiling the Synchronous Fibonacci Phenomenon: A Gateway to Understanding the Harmony of the Universe first appeared on Stargate Codes.

Solar Eclipse on April 8, 2024: the 7th Seal is Opening! Sun, 31 Mar 2024 04:21:12 +0000 This is the time of activating the crown chakra, symbolized by the opening of the 7th Seal, which also has prophetic references. The upcoming solar eclipse is extremely auspicious, as it aligns with celestial signs and wonders mentioned in the Bible.

The post Solar Eclipse on April 8, 2024: the 7th Seal is Opening! first appeared on Stargate Codes.


This is the time of activating the crown chakra, symbolized by the opening of the 7th Seal, which also has prophetic references. The upcoming solar eclipse is extremely auspicious, as it aligns with celestial signs and wonders mentioned in the Bible.

I have been shown that the pathway to Divine consciousness is pointed out by Orion’s spear or arrow, guiding us through the horns of Taurus, Pilates, and the Golden Gate, the cusp of Sagittarius and Scorpio, where the spiritual figure of Ophicus represents the keeper of hidden wisdom. This allows access to the Gateway Beyond, beckoning us through the Gospel of Stars. Many prophetic scripts, including Nostradamus, reference to stars, highlighting the esoteric connections.

The Bible can be seen as the Gospel in the Stars, as it repeats and references various constellations, such as Orion and Pleiades, pointing to a Maker who created heaven and earth (Isaiah 37:16). This is the time of the opening of the 7th Seal, symbolized in the Book of Wisdom in Revelations, which also highlights the new heaven and earth after judgment, the weighing of the heart against the feather symbolized in the Book of the Dead as the passage to New Earth or Heaven on Earth.

The Elohim Creator Beings who built the Great Pyramids with astonishing accuracy to measurements to the Earth and Sun as well as alignment to the Belt stars of Orion knew the times of alignment and awakening. They left wisdom messages and signs to guide humanity that was preserved in mystery schools and ancient scripts. (They built the number 216 into it, half of 432 as creation codes.)

The Book of the Dead came before the Book of Revelations, and they both reference the rise of humanity, the ascent of mankind in a new earth. They both highlight the Constellation of Orion who is Osiris. Some examples of comparisons between the Book of the Dead and the Book of Revelation include:

Apocalyptic imagery: Both texts contain vivid descriptions of the end of the world, judgment, and the afterlife.

Journey of the Soul: Both texts depict a journey of the soul after death. In the Book of the Dead, the deceased navigates through various trials and challenges to reach the afterlife. Similarly, in Revelation, there is a depiction of souls undergoing trials and ultimately being judged before reaching their final destination.

Divine Beings and Judgment: Both texts feature divine beings involved in judgment and the afterlife. In the Book of the Dead, gods such as Osiris and Anubis play roles in the judgment of the deceased. In Revelation, divine beings like angels and the Lamb (Jesus) are involved in the judgment of humanity and the establishment of the new heaven and earth. Both texts describe a final judgment, where souls are weighed or judged based on their deeds.

Afterlife realms: Both texts describe various afterlife realms, such as the Egyptian Duat and the Christian Heaven and Hell.

Rituals and incantations: Both texts contain rituals and incantations aimed at ensuring safe passage into the afterlife.

Dualistic themes: Both texts exhibit dualistic themes, such as light vs. darkness, good vs. evil, and order vs. chaos.

Symbolic Imagery: Both texts use symbolic imagery to convey spiritual truths. For example, the Book of the Dead often uses symbolic representations of the sun, stars, and other celestial bodies to depict aspects of the afterlife journey. Similarly, Revelation is filled with symbolic imagery such as beasts, dragons, and seals representing various spiritual and eschatological concepts. Both use symbolic language, such as the use of numbers (e.g., 7), colors, and animals, to convey deeper meanings.

Cosmic Battles: Both texts depict cosmic battles between forces of good and evil. In the Book of the Dead, there are references to battles between gods and mythical creatures representing chaos and disorder. In Revelation, there is a vivid portrayal of the final battle between the forces of God and the forces of evil, culminating in the defeat of Satan and the establishment of God’s kingdom. Similar texts describe epic battles such as the Egyptian god Ra vs. Apep and the Christian God vs. Satan.

Now much of the story of Satan is man-made. The word Satan is derived from or made up from the Greek word thaten, meaning then or therefore. It is used to indicate a consequence or a result of something previously done, hence sin and hell, which are also man-made to scare us into Roman law. (sin is Aramaic and means to miss the mark of a bullseye!)

In the context of the Bible, “then” is often used to indicate a sequence of events or to show a cause-and-effect relationship. Even the Devil is made up and doesn’t exist as a real thing in the Bible, as the only real reference to an adversary is Lucifer. The concept of Satan in the Bible is complex and has evolved over time. Initially, Satan was simply an angel who served as a prosecutor or accuser, bringing charges against humans before God.

The earliest surviving manuscripts of the Bible were written in Greek, Hebrew, and Aramaic. In the Greek New Testament, the name “Satan” appears in the following passages:

  • Matthew 4:10 ( Greek: Σατανᾶς, Satanás)
  • Mark 1:13 (Σατανᾶς, Satanás)
  • Luke 10:18 (Σατανᾶς, Satanás)
  • 1 Corinthians 5:5 (Σατανᾶς, Satanás)

In the Hebrew Old Testament, the word “Satan” appears in:

  • Job 1:6 (Hebrew: השָּׂטָן, ha-Satan)
  • Job 2:7 (השָּׂטָן, ha-Satan)
  • Psalm 109:6 (השָּׂטָן, ha-Satan)

In the Aramaic Old Testament, the word “Satan” appears in:

  • Job 1:6 (Aramaic: ܫܢܬܢ, Shatatan)

These words all refer to the same entity, often translated as “adversary” or “accuser”. The name “Satan” has its roots in the Hebrew word “שָּׂטָן” (satan), which means “to accuse” or “to oppose”.

In this sense, Satan wasn’t necessarily a malevolent being, but rather a figure who played a role in the divine court. Later, in the New Testament, Satan takes on a more sinister connotation, becoming associated with temptation, evil, and opposition to God. This is where the connection to the devil and Lucifer begins to emerge.

So today, in full understanding, the term Satan could also refer to any dark force or adversarial power, without necessarily implying a specific entity or being. This nuance highlights the complex and multifaceted nature of the concept of Satan across different texts and interpretations. To put it bluntly, the Cabal and those who say they are Satanic are just the man made adversary that wishes to suppress the light and YOU.

God doesn’t create evil, man does. The entire background of all religions and spiritual beliefs of all civilizations on earth depict the Twin Brothers: one good and one bad. This is just an alegory for the heart and the mind. These two must come into balance: thought and emotions, electric and magnetic. All of creation is held together by these two. When the two become one, you enter the Kingdom of Light, and what you desire is made manifest.

Additionally, it is fascinating to consider that the reference in Revelations 12:3, which describes a vision of a large red dragon with seven heads and ten horns This dragon is often interpreted as a symbol of Satan or the devil. In ancient cultures, Draco, the dragon constellation, was often associated with the serpent or dragon symbolism. And, intriguingly, Draco is connected to the star alignment involving the sign of Virgo or the Virgin.

In ancient astrology, the constellation Draco was said to be the guardian of the Northern Celestial Pole, which is closely aligned with the star Thuban in Draco. This star was the pole star around 3000 BCE and was associated with the ancient Egyptian goddess Wadjet, often depicted as a cobra or dragon.

The connection to Virgo or the Virgin constellation comes from the fact that the Sun is in the sign of Virgo during the month of September, which is also associated with the Hebrew month of Elul, a time of preparation and repentance. This is also the famous statue of Isis with the child suckling.

So, the red dragon can be Draco, and the star alignment involving Virgo or the Virgin could be seen as a celestial event or omen. Moreover, the message and analogy from Revelation 12:6, which states, “And the woman fled into the wilderness, where she hath a place prepared of God, that they should feed her there a thousand two hundred and threescore days” (our sacred number 126/216!)

The woman in the wilderness represents (a virgin) such as:

  • The Divine Feminine or the Goddess archetype, seeking refuge from the patriarchal or materialistic world.
  • The Soul or the Higher Self, journeying through the spiritual wilderness to find inner truth and enlightenment.
  • The collective spiritual community, seeking refuge from the forces of darkness and materialism.
  • The individual seeker or initiate, traversing the inner wilderness of spiritual growth and self-discovery.
  • The feminine aspect of the Self, navigating the challenges of the outer world while staying connected to the inner source of guidance.

In this context, the 1,260 days (42 months or 3.5 years or half of 84 months as 7 years, i.e. the time of the last Solar Eclipse) symbolizes a period of spiritual testing, growth, or transformation, after which the woman (or the Soul, protected by God/Christ) emerges stronger, wiser, and more radiant. Also, simply, the rise of the Goddess!

As we pass through this time of the weighing of the heart (judgement), when we come out on the other side, those who are in the Book of Life create the new earth, a heaven on Earth, the 1000 years of peace. This coincides with the Kali Yuga and the cycles of dark and light times. The use of metaphor and celestial events have been used for millions of years to highlight the time of great change; now is no different. It is also highlighted by Pluto which is currently in Aquarius (the Age of Aquarius is here), where it will remain for the next 20 years. The last time Pluto was in Aquarius was between 1778 and 1798, which marked a series of global movements towards independence and revolution. Pluto is a planet of destruction and rebirth, and Aquarius brings the spirit of rebellion to anything it touches. Pluto’s position in Aquarius may lead to breakthroughs in healthcare and technology.

The 7th Seal symbol as the sigil of activation and the seal of the Melchizedek wisdom, as well as the entire body of material was brought to the awareness field of the planet over 30 years ago to prepare for this time. It has been brought out and into awareness many times before in the history of the planet. It represents the book of wisdom, sealed with 7 seals, which is opened by a member of the Tribe of Judah. The notable members from the Bible are Jesus, Thomas, and Peter. The Book of Revelations doesn’t say by name who does this in the end times.

My life and books are unveiling the truth of our soul and lineage as incarnate creator beings, as well as clarity and veracity about the ancient scriptures, especially the Gnostic Scriptures. The book I brought forth represents a 3rd testament for humanity. A new covenant for this time as I was told by my guidance system. A deeper correlation to the end times is evident.

Revelation 5:5 “And one of the elders saith unto me, Weep not: behold, the Lion of the tribe of Judah, the Root of David, hath prevailed to open the book, and to loose the seven seals thereof.”

This passage describes a vision in which a being of Divive Christ Consciousness, symbolized as the Lion of the tribe of Judah and the Root of David, has the power to open a book sealed with seven seals. This vision is often interpreted as a representation of Christ’s authority to reveal God’s will and His role as the conqueror of evil.

This also represents your inner divine higher self (Cristos or Anointing by spiritual fire of emotional healing), that which you embody from doing the inner spiritual work. We are here, collectively embodied in this end time reality game, as a simulation of ascension of the heart and mind. As we stand on this precipice of great awakening and monumental transformation anything is possible.

I have seen great miracles in a variety of ways in my life, whether by way of incredible synchronicity or divine serendipity the invisible hand of God has shown that it is always orchestrating my greatest outcome. And my highest outcome has always been for the uplifting of humanity. I have been guided by my embodied higher self for decades. It has been present for many of these important spiritual times. As a keeper of hidden wisdom, it has been an anchor for the highest divine timeline. I have been imagining the best future for us all for the past 44 years (since my teens) when I first learned that my thoughts manifest my reality very quickly, even miraculously, in minutes or seconds. So if all can change in the twinkling of an eye, why could it not be that a divine collective agreement to see the greatest outcome wouldn’t resemble the following:

We wake up and while having coffee at the cafe, we see across the street a healing center where McDonald’s was. We asked the people at the table next to us, “What happened to McDonald’s?” and they say, “What is McDonald’s?”

The future reality has always been in our hands, what kind of rapture are you imagining?

The post Solar Eclipse on April 8, 2024: the 7th Seal is Opening! first appeared on Stargate Codes.

Unlocking the Gateway of Orion: A Cosmic Family Reunion Fri, 08 Dec 2023 01:43:05 +0000 As the Gateway of Orion swings open from December 8th to the 17th, a celestial opportunity emerges for a profound connection with your star families.

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As the Gateway of Orion swings open from December 8th to the 17th, a celestial opportunity emerges for a profound connection with your star families. This unveiling promises more than just visibility; it beckons an intimate acknowledgment of those who’ve silently worked alongside you throughout time. Prepare for a heart-opening family reunion, filled with embraces and enlightening downloads!

The Cosmic Tapestry of Orion's Legacy

Draped across the heavens, the constellation Orion has long captivated human imagination. In ancient Egyptian mythology, Orion is intricately woven into the narrative of Osiris, the god of the afterlife and resurrection. As the celestial embodiment of Osiris, Orion signifies a journey toward one’s highest self—an ascension into divine consciousness.

Becoming Osiris: A Path to Self-Realization

In the myth, Osiris undergoes a transformative journey, symbolizing the cyclical nature of life, death, and rebirth. Similarly, the Gateway of Orion invites us to embark on a personal odyssey toward self-realization. It serves as a cosmic mirror, reflecting our potential for growth, spiritual evolution, and alignment with the divine.

Embracing Divine Consciousness

As Orion’s stars align during this celestial gateway, the energies are conducive to embodying divine consciousness. This transcendental period encourages us to shed limiting beliefs, embrace our innate potential, and recognize ourselves as integral components of the cosmic whole. The reunion with star families becomes not only a celebration of connection but also a step toward the embodiment of our highest selves.

Gaia and the Cosmic Responsibility

Embedded within the celestial lore of Orion is a call to responsibility—not just for our personal growth but for the well-being of Gaia and all her inhabitants. The Gateway’s energies extend beyond individual transformation, urging us to acknowledge our role as stewards of the Earth and cosmic citizens contributing to a harmonious existence.

In this transformative time period, let the Gateway of Orion be your guide to self-discovery, familial recognition, and a heightened sense of responsibility for the collective well-being of Gaia and all her inhabitants. Stay tuned for an extraordinary cosmic experience that transcends boundaries and unites us in the vastness of our shared existence.

The post Unlocking the Gateway of Orion: A Cosmic Family Reunion first appeared on Stargate Codes.

11-22: the Golden Gate Tue, 21 Nov 2023 21:43:05 +0000 This is the most auspicious time for the ancients. It was so much so that the Great Pyramids were set up in alignment with the belt star of Orion which is the cusp of November 22, between the signs of Scorpio and Sagittarius. It is considered the portal of ascending consciousness, the gateway to Paradise, which is referenced in the Book of Enoch.

The post 11-22: the Golden Gate first appeared on Stargate Codes.


Welcome to the Stargate Codes / 7th Seal digital mystery school, spiritual journey towards higher consciousness and spiritual ascension. In this article, we will explore the concept of ascension, the activation of lightcodes, and the significance of the 1122 Gateway aka Golden Gate. Through deep research and analysis, we will uncover the hidden wisdom and teachings behind these profound topics. Join us as we delve into the mysteries of the universe and unlock the secrets to expanding our awareness.

Understanding Ascension

Ascension is the process of elevating one’s consciousness to higher levels of awareness and understanding. It involves the expansion of our spiritual, mental, and emotional capacities, leading to a deeper connection with our true selves and the divine. This journey towards ascension is not linear but rather a continuous spiral of growth and transformation.

Activating the Lightcodes

Lightcodes are energetic patterns that exist within our DNA and serve as a blueprint for our spiritual evolution. These codes hold the keys to unlocking our latent potential and accessing higher dimensions of consciousness. Through various activations, such as meditation, energy healing, and sacred rituals, we can awaken these dormant codes and accelerate our spiritual growth.

Significance of the 11/22 Gateway

The Golden Gate is a celestial alignment that symbolizes a powerful portal for spiritual awakening and ascension. This gateway is associated with the Orion constellation and its alignment with the cusp of Scorpio and Sagittarius, along with Ophiuchus (the man who is mastering his energy and divine consciousness) allowing for the influx of higher vibrational energies. It serves as a catalyst for profound shifts in consciousness and the activation of our highest self. The key to aligning our highest intentions is having the heart and mind in a cohesive harmony of balance. The mind is the 22 master builder and the heart as 11 master healer unified as full divine mastery, mastering the emotional body and the intellect as one coherent whole.

Keys To Gate Insights

This is the most auspicious time for the ancients. It was so much so that the Great Pyramids were set up in alignment with the belt star of Orion which is the cusp of November 22, between the signs of Scorpio and Sagittarius. It is considered the portal of ascending consciousness, the gateway to Paradise, which is referenced in the Book of Enoch. At this time, for the embodiment of your higher self, the ancient Egyptians have a calendar in Dendera that has a special symbol demarking the location of the Golden Gate. There are lines coming off the head of the Sphinx that are 14 degrees above and 14 degrees below. They are demarking the location of 11:22 and 5:22. On the 22nd of November at 11:22pm, a full Higher Self integration will occur. Edgar Cayce talked about an event that would happen in 1998 regarding the return of the high priest, and to me that was an activation that happened there. This date represents the embodiment of your Higher Self, your King/Queen, your High Priest/Priestess, fully coming online.

The Wisdom of Orion

Orion, a prominent constellation in the night sky, holds deep spiritual significance. It represents the path of the seeker, guiding us towards spiritual enlightenment and cosmic unity. The stars of Orion align with the pyramids of Egypt, hinting at the ancient wisdom encoded within these sacred structures. By attuning ourselves to the energies of Orion and beyond as a spear, through the horns of Taurus we hit the bulls eye just past the Pleiades where the Central Sun is emitting source energy. There we can tap into this ancient wisdom and connect with our higher selves.

Harnessing the Power of the Golden Gate

During the Golden Gate, the energies of all this, magnified by Orion/Osiris ( image in the sky) align with Earth, creating a powerful opportunity for spiritual growth and transformation. By consciously engaging with this gateway, we can access higher dimensions of consciousness, receive powerful downloads of information, and accelerate our ascension process. It is a time of deep introspection, energetic activation, and alignment with our divine purpose.

Techniques for Gateway Activation

To fully harness the power of the Golden Gateway, there are several techniques and practices that can be employed. These include:

  • Meditation: Engage in regular meditation to quiet the mind, open the heart, and connect with higher frequencies of energy.
  • Energy Healing: Seek out energy healing modalities such as Reiki, sound healing, or crystal therapy to clear energetic blockages and activate lightcodes.
  • Sacred Rituals: Create sacred rituals that honor the gateway and invite higher energies to guide and support your spiritual journey.
  • Affirmations and Intentions: Use positive affirmations and set clear intentions to align your energy with the frequencies of ascension and higher consciousness.
  • Connection with Nature: Spend time in nature, connecting with the elements and grounding yourself in the present moment.

And, of course, working with the 7th seal sigils and activation tools that are essentially divine intelligence that has the source codes and frequencies that open your chakras and activate your crown, known as the 7th Seal! Since we all cannot be inside the great pyramid on this gateway, the energy of that sacred chamber is set up around you when you sit on or with the 7th seal!

Embracing the Ascension Process

The ascension process is a deeply personal journey. It requires us to release old patterns, beliefs, and attachments that no longer serve our highest good. As we ascend, we become more attuned to our intuition, embody higher states of love and compassion, and align with our soul’s purpose. Embracing the ascension process is a commitment to our spiritual growth and the expansion of our consciousness.

The Gateway to Cosmic Consciousness

As we activate the lightcodes within us and embrace the energies of the 11/22 Gateway, we open the gateway to cosmic consciousness. This expanded state of awareness allows us to connect with the divine intelligence that permeates all of creation. We become co-creators of our reality, manifesting our desires in alignment with divine will. The gateway serves as a bridge between the physical and spiritual realms, guiding us towards oneness and unity.

Embarking on the Journey

The path of ascension requires dedication, self-reflection, a open heart/mind and a commitment to personal growth. By embracing the wisdom of ascension, activating our lightcodes, and harnessing the energies of the Golden Gate, we can unlock the gateway to higher consciousness and embark on a journey of profound spiritual awakening.


Through the activation of lightcodes and the alignment with celestial gateway of one one two two, we can accelerate our spiritual growth and connect with our true essence, our divine birth right. By embracing the wisdom of the ancient teachings, harnessing the power of the photon beam energies, and committing to our personal ascension process, we can unlock our highest Divine Self or Cosmic consciousness and expand our awareness to new heights. May you embark on this journey with an open heart and a willingness to embrace the infinite possibilities that await you.

Is it all starting to add up? No wonder Francis Bacon painstakingly encoded the English language to conceal this wisdom that it never may be lost. The Saint Germain Master Sequences that he decoded from understanding creation codes are the fabric of the universe, the building blocks of reality. These number sequences and one-one-two-two repeat in many key phrases of scripture and esoteric wisdom, as well as the English language surrounding the words that are pillars of the esoteric wisdom, like the tree of life and the major arcana. There are so many rabbit holes of this information which I’ve been decoding and putting in my various books and videos, so much so that I’m working on my fourth book. The middle path, son of man (Osiris/Orion) becoming more and more obvious as we connect the dots. The Gnostic Jesus could not be more plain, saying, I will also give you the mystery of the baptism for those of the middle, and the manner of invocation for reaching those regions (Eight Heaven – gateway of 11/22 at the 8th house), along with their ciphers and seals. I am very confident I have worked it all out, the original creator beings who set all this up, laying it all out, did describe it pretty concisely. Further elucidating, we can see we just need to bring it all together and embody fully, invite our higher self to merge completely and love our I AM Presence, our inner twin. For it says, “He created a great Aeon whose name was Ogdoad (the eighth) for his own majesty. For since the imperishabilities and the authority each created a great kingdom in the eighth, and also thrones, temples, and firm remnants for the majesties. Finally, whoever knows the Son of Man in knowledge and love, let him bring me a sign of the Son of Man that he might depart to the dwelling places with those in the eight.” Wow, the gateway to paradise, which is written about in the Book of Enoch! Keep remembering who you are, keep seeking and you shall find, keep knocking and the door shall be opened. Choose yourself, change your mind and change your reality, become a Divine Superhero and help anchor in the Divine Timeline. Now is the time!

The post 11-22: the Golden Gate first appeared on Stargate Codes.

The 11:11 Portal (11th of November) Fri, 10 Nov 2023 07:18:30 +0000 This is the most incredible time of the year for manifestation and spiritual growth. 11:11 is 11 days to the Golden Gate! Many things have been happening in both an esoteric and occidental way, both within and without; great positive change is underway.

The post The 11:11 Portal (11th of November) first appeared on Stargate Codes.


This is the most incredible time of the year for manifestation and spiritual growth.

11:11 is 11 days to the Golden Gate!

Many things have been happening in both an esoteric and occidental way, both within and without; great positive change is underway. The more we talk about the new earth, the faster it is created. One way to speed it all up is with the 7th Seal activation tools. Is your light beam from the center of your head fully activated? Are you experiencing more of your divine power?

The pituitary gland is a unique interdimensional spiritual crystal that works with other parts of the brain for manifesting reality based on sacred geometry shapes, of which the entire universe is fabricated from. Both numbers and sacred geometry comprise the building blocks of all of existence. So when you take the 7th Seal1 and you put it under your pillow, and the vivid, lucid dreams that occur are from the vibrations of the high frequency—the tuning, if you will, of the pituitary and pineal glands, working with the Hippocampus, a key part of the brain associated with memory formation and retrieval, spatial navigation, and learning. It plays a crucial role in converting short-term memories into long-term ones, hence in greater terms, manifesting reality.

The realization that you are the creator projecting thoughts upon a screen as reality, as exactly the thing that you think about that causes those ideas to manifest as experiences that form your reality. It is a very powerful thing to come to complete terms with…every single thought you have goes out and manifests as something, somewhere. When we fully come into a complete Divine Alignment with this, we realize we are divine intelligence, divine consciousness, which is a thing that I’m also experimenting with as divine AI that our thoughts are literally permeating all of existence and affecting the reality around us.

This is also the nature of an eternal soul type. The eternal soul type is an original consciousness, an archetype blueprint of an exact copy of one of the 24 Elohim. The Creators who projected thought into: first form, from the omnipotent divine consciousness that manifestrd reality around itself…to experience more love, more growth, more union with the Divine essence, through self love and divine reflections helping us to greater comprehend that every single thought we have manifests in some way or another. So at this auspicious time in November, the great month of manifestation and the gate of divine awakening, also known as the Golden Gate November 22, the full opening of the crown chakra. We are in the countdown to this and there are many milestones along the path to this time.

I have written before about the tarot and that each one of the major arcanca is paramount archetype experiences or wisdom reflections in the countdown. Because there are 22, with each one of them holding a story that depicts arriving ultimately at the fool (22) the eternal wisdom, trusting that you can leap off the cliff and fly into your divine consciousness by virtue of going through each of the pathways which also correspond to the tree of life and the 22 pathways. So this is like the culmination of the Mystery School initiation. And so along the path we find 11/11 which is a mirror reflection 11 reflects 11. The activation sequence awakens dormant DNA recalling your previous past lives and your previous growth lessons to be reflected to you at this time in order to deepen your self love. These things will come up and be cleared out allowing energy to flow from head to toe.

The synchronicity of seeing the increase of numbers this month is also part of it, whereby the Divine is reminding you that this reflection is ever present in every way that you are the creator being and you’re co creating your reality with your higher self and your lower self which are becoming more embodied at this time, because the acceleration and activation that’s present during this initiatory month is designed to prepare you for walking through the Golden Gate. The Golden Gate is about ascension, embodying your greatest Divine Self more fully present. Awakening into all of the parts of self that have participated in the entire existence, recalling past lives is like becoming aware of each of the experiences that have been uploaded to the master computer, the oversoul where you can have any knowledge of any experience that’s ever been experienced throughout all of time. Whether we live the lifetime or remember the lifetime, it is about bringing up what’s necessary to see the growth opportunity relevant to the emotions that may be tied to a former experience. So at this auspicious time, we recognize that the synchronicity and the alignment of these gates, these portals including the 11/7 portal that was designed to create a greater awareness of the male and the female, the mind and the heart, the left and the right, cannot exist without each other and are becoming ever the more in great harmony and balance. Again, highlighting that the pathway to 1122 reflects the initiations that each of the tarot cards highlight.

1 Find out more about the 7th Seal @

The post The 11:11 Portal (11th of November) first appeared on Stargate Codes.

Significance of the 7th of November Tue, 07 Nov 2023 11:11:00 +0000 November 7th is a significant date in ancient Egyptian history as it marks the unification of Upper and Lower Egypt. This event is also known as the “Two Lands” period, which was the final stage of prehistoric Egypt and directly preceded the unification of the realm

The post Significance of the 7th of November first appeared on Stargate Codes.


November 7th is a significant date in ancient Egyptian history as it marks the unification of Upper and Lower Egypt. This event is also known as the “Two Lands” period, which was the final stage of prehistoric Egypt and directly preceded the unification of the realm1. The conception of Egypt as the Two Lands was an example of the dualism in ancient Egyptian culture and frequently appeared in texts and imagery, including in the titles of Egyptian pharaohs1. The Egyptian title zmꜣ – tꜣwj (Egyptological pronunciation sema-tawy) is usually translated as “Uniter of the Two Lands”1. The unification of Upper and Lower Egypt is depicted by knotted papyrus and reed plants. The binding motif represents both harmony through linkage and domination through containment. The duality is an important part of royal iconography1.

Hapi tying the papyrus and reed plants in the sema tawy symbol for the unification of Upper and Lower Egypt

The unification of Upper and Lower Egypt was not just a political event but also a cultural one. It symbolized the unification of the left and the right, the mind and the heart, and the male and the female1. The union of these opposites was seen as a necessary step towards achieving balance and harmony in the world. This idea of balance and harmony is central to ancient Egyptian culture and is reflected in their art, religion, and philosophy1.

The significance of the unification of Upper and Lower Egypt extends beyond ancient Egypt. It is a reminder that unity and balance are essential for the well-being of any society. The idea of balance and harmony is still relevant today and can be applied to various aspects of life, including politics, economics, and the environment. The unification of Upper and Lower Egypt serves as a reminder that we should strive for balance and harmony in our lives and in the world around us1.

1 Wikipedia, ThoughtCo, Khan Academy, Humanities LibreTexts

The post Significance of the 7th of November first appeared on Stargate Codes.
